Friday, August 24, 2007

Us vs. them: Sex advice for the social awkward.

There is a blog out there about Northwestern and it is not this one! It is the home of "Northwestern's best bloggers." There was a contest, or something? Anyways, that's sort of like saying Pinkberry's all-natural, you know? So, from time to time, we try to discern differences between them and us.

There's a reason such subjects are verboten around here. One is our readers are not so socially awkward. (You're assholes! We know.) Secondly, if I were to post about how to get laid if you're socially awkward, it would read like this:

Masturbation is normal!

Over in the hinterlands, they've got some other suggestions. Let's abbreviate, shall we?

Guys should take classes in sesp! Girls should take guys out on dates! Join a campus activist group! (Ed.'s note: What is this, Sarah Lawrence?) Meet people from other colleges! Try Craigslist!

Ok. PSA, people. Do not look for sex on Craigslist. That's how people like Willie the Wildcat, Northwestern's finest blogger, and author of this post, are born.

Even the socially awkward can get laid [CollegeOTR]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After reading Northwestern OTR for a few days, I don't think I've ever seen so much poor, cliched writing in one place. And Kassner knows I know my cliches.

How did OTR recruit these guys anyway? I seem to recall something about dildos...

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