Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dominic Greene signs Delt's walking papers

Goodbye, Delta Tau Delta. It was fun. Whatever did you do to deserve the wrath of UHAS? (Ew, acronym watch.)

Right. Chime in, people. We know it's over for Delt via Dominic Greene's all-Greek system e-mail, but what finally did it? Roll the tape.

The record stretches way back into the wretched days of Kyle Pendleton, who tried to be like hemlock for fraternities. It was during his reign, in January 2004, that some cocky Delt pledges, part of the frat's biggest pledge class ever, decided to snap photos of their fellow pledge fucking some slag in the chapter room. Excuse the lexicon! I try to fit in sometimes.

Onwards. This poor freshman girl filed a complaint! Naturally shit got rather nasty. Pendleton stretched the investigation out, eventually getting DTD International to levy "private" sanctions on the house, but no one said what they were. It also led to a sexual assault course for Greek students, but the fratasticness was back in effect that fall with an aggressive rush.

And then not a peep for three years. So what was it? I'll tell all, if I see a few educated guesses down there in the comments first.


Anonymous said...

Cut one of their pledges across the neck?

Anonymous said...

Oh wait. Wrong frat. ;)

Kassner said...

Well. There we have one thing that will not get you kicked off campus. So what could Delt have done that was so much worse?

Anonymous said...

many delts say it was because their house was messy.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the question: What could UHAS actually prove?

Kassner said...

Ooh, so many good questions. Looks as though we should revisit this soon. Who knows, maybe there will even be some real reporting involved!

Anonymous said...

i heard it had something to do with having a formal at an art gallery and ruining a bunch of priceless art.

why you would host a frat formal at an art gallery in the first place is beyond me.

but this could all be hearsay.

Anonymous said...

...perhaps you mean a holiday party, no? that gallery owner did seem pretty livid, from what i remember, at least.

Anonymous said...

maybe if kassner had gotten a bid from delt and not gone crying towards lodge he wouldn't need to spend time blogging...

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