Friday, August 03, 2007

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people

Because I was newly invited to this blog, here's a retroactive post. Let's look back to July 20 when Medill unveiled Innovation 2020, an obvious name-borrow from intern autoerotica Ed2010; the only two differences being that the new Medill is for people who want to pay $40,000 to be unemployed and Ed2010 is for awkward girls from middle America who want to pay nothing and work at Vogue.

Innovation 2020 is, in fact, so innovative that Dean Lavine is posting the questions people write in. Just like a mid-90s message board, but without pedophilia. Here are two questions (of the mere six) that I was especially glad Dean Lavine posted... I've always wondered these things myself:

“(Your curricula are) very, very exciting.. .. (We are) evolving our 25-year advertising agency into a “real” integrated marketing organization. The single greatest challenge is finding people who get it. We are constantly on the lookout for people who do. Perhaps there are Medill IMC folks out there that can head up Client Services rather than those who “service accounts.” There is a huge difference, but it is very difficult to find people who understand that, much less do it. The same situation exists in converting heretofore separate entities such as Media, Public Relations, Database Management, Direct Marketing, Interactive into a cohesive “solution neutral” department. Today most of these departments are silos, and the world just doesn’t work like that. We have done a pretty good job of evolving this, but it’s a huge struggle finding people to manage the vision in each of these two crucial areas. … Thanks for doing what you’re doing."

“Wonderful news, Dean Lavine. Thanks for the commitment to take Medill to the next level!"

The new Medill is so innovative that Q&As don't even need to ask questions any more? And apparently, attribution is out too. Every other entry starts with "an alum says," but these dogged interrogations are anonymous.

Could someone at the school be writing in their own compliments? And if so, why isn't Lavine even responding to them? If Medill is going to masturbate while at work, they at least need to clean up after themselves.

Unless, of course, it's happening in the basement bathroom of Fisk.

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