Monday, September 03, 2007

Someone's found the cure for summer photos! Automatic detag

For some, especially Northwestern students, the urge to place every last iota of one's life online is troubling. Consider this a panacea. Ready, everyone? It's red states lose, end of summer edition!

Official caption: "sandys hair makes me look like i have caveman arms ahahhahahah."
Unofficial caption: Um, animal services?

Official caption: We ate all of it. And Kelly is on crack.
Unofficial caption: (Note: this is from the second of two 60-photo albums chronicling, in minute and really rather silly detail, a trip to San Francisco) Yes, you did. Yes, you are.

Official caption: (none)
Unofficial caption: Ah, yes. The obligatory let's-all-do-our-best-to-look-cute-in-this-terrible-lighting shot. The real story here is in the comments. The one with the leggings apparently detagged herself, writing "why do i look like a lost chipmunk in this picture?" To which the one on the left wrote, "you are so obsessed with the dumbest details in every pic that you'd untag that!!!!!?!?" And oh it goes on.

Official caption: automatic detag
Unofficial caption: Ooh that's good.

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